Where’s My Cut? Lil Jon Threatens Live Nation With Legal Action Over ‘Lovers & Friends’ Festival

Source: Quinn Harris / Getty
Lil Jon threatens legal action against Live Nation over the “Lovers & Friends festival.
Earlier this month Live Nation announced its Lovers & Friends festival would return to Las Vegas. Despite criticisms from last year, it seems the public is itching to attend this year. Luckily flyer is so jam-packed with talent that it’s almost easier to name who isn’t performing.
Lil Jon Threatens Live Nation With Legal Action Over Stealing Song Title For ‘Lovers & Friend’ Festival
According to TMZ, everyone in the world is excited about the festival except Lil Jon. He feels the festival stole his song title for the name and has been trying to contact Live Nation to sort things out.
The sold-out festival is also the name of one of his biggest records featuring Usher and Ludacris. Usher is one of the main attractions of this year’s festival. Lil Jon’s lawyer Ed McPherson says not having him a part of the festival is like having a “Don’t Stop Believin’” festival without Journey. Reportedly attempts to reach Live Nation have been made for months to avoid litigation.
Live Nation responded essentially: “we don’t need no stinking license!” However, both sides ultimately agreed to table the discussion until after the Festival. Lil Jon trusted Live Nation to “do the right thing,” and he performed masterfully. The 2022 “Lovers & Friends” Festival ultimately sold out, and was a tremendous success.
We now understand that Live Nation has decided to turn the Festival into an annual event, without Lil Jon, but using Lil Jon’s “Lovers & Friends” name, in an obvious effort to confuse consumers into thinking that Lil Jon is performing at the Festival, or at the very least producing it.”“Such action clearly constitutes egregious and predatory conduct, and corporate opportunism at its worst. Live Nation knew about the inextricable link between Lil Jon and the name, but nevertheless exploited Lil Jon’s good will and recognition, booking artists who are
closely associated with him – after his representatives made his objection clear. The company then had the temerity to register “Lovers & Friends” as its own trademark, and eject Lil Jon from festival.”
From the looks of it, Lil Jon has a decent case and wants to reach a settlement. Nevertheless, It looks like Live Nation is going to make him put tons of money into having his case heard.