[WATCH] White Woman Attacks Black Woman And Plays Victim In NJ Victoria’s Secret

A false cry for help by white women, which has been identified in popular culture in America to be performed by a “Karen”, has been the subject of several news stories, however, a Victoria’s Secret in Short Hills Mall in New Jersey was the site of one of the most disturbing Karen episodes yet.
Teacher’s aide Abigail Elphick was caught on film attempting to strike another Victoria’s Secret shopper, Ijeoma Ukenta, who is Black, while in line in the store. When Elphick realized she was being taped, her actions from being the aggressor instantly turned into her portraying herself as the victim. Elphick began to chase Ukenta around the store after throwing a tantrum and lying on the floor.
Ukenta has started a GoFundMe page in order to “defend myself against Karen”, which has raised close to $50,000.
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