Studies Reveal The Most Fashionable City Of 2023

Experts at Lilac St. analyzed various cities to identify the most fashionable city of 2023 evaluating key metrics, such as the number of annual fashion shows, fashion brands, schools and city-specific fashion hashtags on Instagram. A score was assigned to each city for every factor and summed up to determine the final ranking. The city with the highest total score was ranked as the most fashionable city of 2023.
A new study has revealed New York as the most fashionable city of 2023.
New York is ranked as the most fashionable city of 2023, with the highest number of fashion shows and fashion brands. Dubai leads in the amount of fashion-focused Instagram hashtags, with a total of 6 million. Milan takes the lead in fashion education with 22 fashion schools.
New York holds more than 680 fashion events every year, including New York fashion week, which is also one of the most attended fashion events in the world.

London takes the 2nd spot in the ranking as the most fashionable city of 2023. It secures its top position with 500 annual fashion shows and 4.3 million fashion related hashtags such as #LondonFashionWeek and #Londonfashion.
Paris holds the 3rd place due to the amount of fashion brands worldwide, including “Chanel”, “Louis Vuitton” and many more. Moreover, the hashtag #ParisFashionWeek was used over 3 million times, which is 75% of overall hashtags for fashion in Paris.
Milan, ranking at the 4th spot, stands out with the highest number of fashion institutions and schools including 22 fashion schools that significantly contribute to its ranking. Milan also secures its position with hashtags like #Milanfashion and #MilanFashionWeek on Instagram.
Dubai ranks 5th, having the highest number of fashion-related Instagram hashtags. Hashtag #Dubaifashion single handedly was used more than 5 million times when the overall hashtag count is 6 million.
Sydney places as the 6th most fashionable city of 2023. It owes its position to a range of fashion institutions, including the University of Sydney, which takes a spot in the World University Rankings 2023.
Seoul stands at the 7th position of the most fashionable cities of the year. The number of fashion schools along with fashion brands significantly contributed to its ranking. Even though Seouls fashion hashtags are way lower than the previous cities’, it is still impressive with 800k hashtag engagements on Instagram.
Rome claims the 8th spot due to the number of fashion schools including one of the most famous Roman universities – Higher Institute for Artistic Industries, where famous designer Stefano Gabbana studied.
Los Angeles is the 9th most fashionable city and claims the rank with the 3rd highest number of fashion shows annually, from which the most attended one is Los Angeles Fashion week.
Tokyo rounds out the top ten with the number of fashion schools and brands. There are also 760k mentions on Instagram for the hashtags #Tokyofashion and #TokyoFashionWeek contributing to its ranking.
Check out the table below.

The post Studies Reveal The Most Fashionable City Of 2023 first appeared on The Source.
The post Studies Reveal The Most Fashionable City Of 2023 appeared first on The Source.