Saturday’s “Stop the Hate” rally in Downtown Charleston postponed to Sunday

DOWNTOWN CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – A “Stop the Hate” rally, originally planned for Saturday morning, has been postponed to Sunday morning due to weather.

The United Front of Charleston and others plan to gather at White Point Garden along The Battery downtown.

The rally is being called “Stop the Hate” to encourage the City of Charleston to take further action on their anti-hate resolution. City council voted to approve that resolution in January.

“Really, truthfully the stop the hate message is to force the city to identify those groups and what they’re deeming as hate or divisiveness,” said Jason Jones, the founder of United Front of Charleston.

Another purpose of the rally is to remember Charleston Black Lives Matter activist Muhiyidin Moye.

You may remember the name as he was an advocate for change in police practices after the 2015 shooting of Walter Scott.

Moye was later shot and killed in New Orleans in 2018.

The rally is set to begin on Sunday morning.