Ritz, Please! Audacious And Aggrieved Anglo-Saxon Adorned In Blackface Aggressively Accosted Aurora Target Employee

Woman Snacks on Crackers

Source: Grace Cary / Getty

This…lady…is crazy as hell and should be treated as such.

According to a TMZ report, Ersilia Campbell walked into a Target store in Aurora, Colorado dressed in Blackface and began aggressively badgering an employee. Campbell accosted the unidentified worker and demanded to know where the “Pride” section is located. Upon being told that Pride Month was over (it was in June), Campbell went on a MAGA-scented, Fox News-infused, alt-right rant about how the LGBTQ community has hijacked the oh-so-sacred American flag in favor of the rainbow flag.

We told you this…lady…is crazy.

The employee was clearly offended by the encounter and did not bite her tongue in reprimanding the bat-s#!t Becky. However, if that wasn’t enough, Campbell then proceeded to tell the woman that wearing Blackface is no different than when Lester Holt dressed up as Susan Boyle for Halloween one year.

Campbell then took her racist aKKKt to the Starbucks located inside the Target and hopped on Facebook live to tell her followers that she was looking for a job…in Blackface.

The reason this…lady….was looking for a job is because she was fired from her previous gig with the United States Postal Service where she must have pulled a similar stunt. They put her photo on the door with the following message:

Prior employee Ersilia Campbell is trespassing on U.S. Postal property. If you see this individual on Postal property, first call 911, then contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service

When it was all said and done, The Aurora Police Department took ol’ girl away in handcuffs to protective custody.