Righteous Gemstones looking for extras for Season 2

CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – The HBO series “The Righteous Gemstones” has returned for filming in the Charleston area and are looking for paid background extras.

Filming begins next week and will continue through mid-September and they said many extras will be needed throughout the season.

All ages, ethnicities, and types are needed.

Anyone selected for filming will be required to have paid for COVID-19 tests prior to filming.

Extras who film on their scheduled date will receive an additional $50 for each test taken.

If you’re interested, you should submit the following information:

  • Two current photos (close and full length)
  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • City/State you reside
  • Height/Weight
  • Complete clothing sizes (for wardrobe purposes)
  • Description of any visible tattoos or piercings

UPDATE: Those interested in filming should visit the Tona B. Dahlquist Casting Facebook page to see specific roles and submission information.