Pure Preciousness: Summer Walker Reveals First Photo Of Her Baby Girl, Bubbles

Source: Aaron J. Thornton / Getty
Summer Walker is a proud new mama and she waited just a little while to show off her baby girl, but today she’s finally sharing her first photo.
The singer/songwriter took to Instagram Wednesday to share the photo. Previously, we reported that she was apprehensive about sharing details regarding her daughter to avoid any criticism from fans on the internet. The public figured shared she dealt with anxiety in the past as a result of fame.
Today must have been a good day for Summer, who surprisingly posted baby girl Bubbles to her IG feed. To be safe it seems, she also turned off the comments. Isn’t she adorable?!
In related news, Summer defended her parenting earlier this week after unsupported accusations of her slacking as a mother sparked on social media.
The rumor circulating was that her daughter’s father, London on Da Track, was being a “more stable” parent which the singer vehemently denied.
“I am the full caretaker of my child,” Walker began before speaking on her baby daddy London on Da Track. “That man pulls up on the weekend w his mama & gifts for a day or 2 takes his pics but I do all the work when I’m not at work. So once again suck a d*ck.”
In another post to her IG the singer posted;
“Make sure to live your life for you cause regardless, someone will always be dissatisfied with your behavior. They’ll say your too happy or too sad. You’re too quiet or too loud, you spend too much or you don’t spend enough, the list goes on. Bottom line just do you,” she penned.