Pig Talk: Sgt. Greg Capers Gives ‘Good Morning America’ Interview About Shooting 11-Year-Old Aderrien Murry

Aderrien Murry

Source: Nakala Murry / Nakala Murry

Yesterday, BOSSIP reported that a grand jury in Mississippi decided that no criminal charges will be filed against Sgt. Greg Capers for unnecessarily shooting 11-year-old Aderrien Murry inside his home. Back in May, Aderrien’s mother Nakala Murry awoke to the sound of her daughter’s “irate” father banging on the bedroom window. She called the police to help ensure her family’s safety. Instead, the police shot her son Aderrien in an inexcusable instance of “shoot first, ask questions last”.

Fortunately, the gunshot wound was not fatal but as a result, Capers was suspended without pay and the Murry family filed a $5 million lawsuit against the city of Indianola, the police chief, several officers and Greg Capers.

This morning, according to ABCNews, Capers appeared on Good Morning America to speak publicly for the first time about the shooting in the wake of the grand jury’s “blue lives matter” protection. Sufficed to say, he doesn’t sound very contrite. In fact, we’d venture to say that he sound defiant and condescending.

“People have their own opinion, and unless they’re in our shoes, you never know dexactly what you may run into or encounter on a day’s time, within your 12-hour schedules,” Capers said when asked what he thinks about people who believe he acted poorly.

He continued, “You just never know what you may run into. Spur of the moment, it’s a split decision that has to be made.”

When asked if he even thinks about what he’s done to a young child, Capers replied, “All the time.” Police Benevolent Association lawyer Michael Carr represented Capers in this case and he described Capers actions as “not intentional” and “not reckless” in addition to “It was a pure accident”.

Doesn’t sound like an accident to us. The gun didn’t go off by itself. It wasn’t a malfunction. Capers intentional aimed his weapon at Murry and pulled the trigger. That’s not how “accidents” work.