Pay Us Like You Owe Us: NYPD To Pay Record High $21,500 To 300 People Arrest During George Floyd Protests


Source: ANGELA WEISS / Getty


We damn sure didn’t have this on our social justice BINGO card but we’ll be damned if we don’t love to see it!

The summer of 2020 will forever be a part of American history as it marked a singular time in the modern era of this country where millions of people poured into the streets to raise their voices about the injustice being done to Black people at the hands of the state. Despite being a unique instance for this generation, American history also shows that such shows of force by the people can and will be met with almost equal resistance from the government, both state and local. That resistance usually comes in the form of beatings, shootings, abuse, and unlawful detention in order to break the minds, bodies, and spirits of the citizens. It isn’t often that those abuses of power have consequences. Today ain’t one of those days.

According to ABCNews, 300 New York City residents will be paid $21,500 by the NYPD to settle a lawsuit that was filed against them for “kettling” the group that was participating in a demonstration in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx. Kettling is a technique used by law enforcement to contain large crowds of people. In this case, protesters were zip-tied, beaten with batons, attacked with pepper spray, etc. The settlement totals nearly $7 million and marks the biggest ever per person payment in a mass arrest class action suit.

“We are really pleased with the settlement,” plaintiffs’ attorney Ali Frick told ABC News. “This was essentially a premeditated show of force against people who were demonstrating against police violence.”

“The Mott Haven protest really shocked the conscience when it happened. These protesters were kettled. Then the police moved in with extreme brutality that was totally uncalled for and unnecessary,” Frick said.

We hope all people who were done dirty by the NYPD continue to drain their pockets for every red cent available.