Montgomery Brawl: Folding Chair Hero Gets Community Service Sentence In Exchange For Guilty Plea


Source: Ray Tan / Getty

An American hero had his day in court and we’re happy to report that he will not be seeing any jail time.

According to a TMZ article, Reggie Bernard Ray, the man who became an internet celebrity for the way he wielded a folding chair to knock the Sonic rings out of an attacking Anglo-Saxon in the now-infamous Montgomery Brawl, entered a guilty plea for the charge of misdemeanor disorderly conduct.

Not assault, not battery, not any violent crime that would misrepresent his intentions, simply misdemeanor disorderly conduct. Same charge that a drunk rabble-rouser would get for being too loud. We never imagined that a state like Alabama would give a brotha a fair shake in an instance like this but we couldn’t be happier to be wrong.

The terms of the plea deal state that Ray is to complete 50 hours of community service (one might argue that he was doing community service during the brawl but we digress) and a 90-day suspended sentence. In essence, as long as Ray does his hours and doesn’t get arrested for anything, he’ll walk away scot free.

According to an 11Alive report, this marks the last of the criminal charges connected to the brawl.

Let us never forget the Fade in the Water.