Jimmy Kimmel Details What He Will Do if Confronted During This Year’s Oscars: ‘Beat the S*** Out of Them’

Don’t think you’re going to run up on Jimmy Kimmel on the Oscars stage this Sunday. Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, he said he would “beat the shit” out of someone.
“If somebody comes up on the stage and slaps me? Well, I size them up, and, if I’m bigger than they are, I beat the shit out of them on television. And if it’s the Rock, I run,” Kimmel said.
Kimmel’s playful comments after the Oscars revealed they would have a “crisis team,” in an effort to avoid the issues of last year.
Of that concept, Kimmel says, “I wish I knew. I’ve not been involved in that. I guess I’m the last thing they’re worried about,” he said about what it might entail, adding that he should “at least know what was discussed.”
In an interview with TIME magazine, Bill Kramer, Academy of Motion Picture Arts CEO, was asked what measures had been put in place for this year’s Academy Awards to ensure that no unexpected situations arise. He said a good host, such as Jimmy Kimmel, who is hosting this year, is good because they are used to dealing with live TV and can navigate unexpected situations. He also talked about the formation of the crisis team.
“But we have a whole crisis team, something we’ve never had before, and many plans in place. We’ve run many scenarios. So it is our hope that we will be prepared for anything that we may not anticipate right now but that we’re planning for just in case it does happen.
Because of last year, we’ve opened our minds to the many things that can happen at the Oscars. But these crisis plans—the crisis communication teams and structures we have in place—allow us to say this is the group that we have to gather very quickly. This is how we all come together. This is the spokesperson. This will be the statement. And obviously depending on the specifics of the crisis, and let’s hope something doesn’t happen and we never have to use these, but we already have frameworks in place that we can modify.”
– Bill Kramer
You can read the TIME interview here.
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