InKKKompetent Cops: Lansing PD Calls Arresting Black 12-Year-Old Taking Out Trash ‘Wrong Place, Wrong Time’

After the viral TikTok of cops handcuffing an innocent Black Lansing teen for taking out the trash, they called the “chores while Black” arrest an “unfortunate misunderstanding.”

police arrest stock photo

Source: kali9 / Getty

A clown car’s worth of useless cops violating an innocent child is indeed an unfortunate waste of taxpayers’ money.

The shocking video of the wrongful arrest racked up more than 5 million views since August 10. It shows one cop walking a Black boy to sit in a squad car with hands cuffed behind his back. User @careyann327 captioned the clip, “A kid just taking out the trash.”

A man, who appears to be the boy’s father, pleads with the police to release him. Then four more squad cars swarm the scene. “All these cops for a teenaged kid,” someone comments from behind the camera.

The man yells that they’ve “traumatized” a “perfect kid” simply because he “fit the description.” The father stood firm against one of the boys in blue’s greatest hits. “You always use that as an excuse, man!” he fired back at the officer.


Kid taking out trash being harassed by police. Father defending his son. Wrong person.

♬ original sound – Talkingtom24🐺

By the time half a dozen cops agree to release the terrified child, he’s already crying. The man continues to passionately call out the racist and potentially deadly police harassment as the boy runs behind him. Comments poured in, hoping the father would sue the donuts out of that police department.

“Aren’t they questioning him without a lawyer or his parents present?” one wondered.

“the way my blood started boiling. poor kid being questioned w/o parent and women officer looking like she was ready to arrest the dad. SUE!!!” one response said.

“Do not forget to add defamation of character to the lawsuit……the look on the young man’s face,” another noted.

“Dad do not let this go! Go speak to the city officials, file a complaint, and contact an attorney. This must end!!” a supporter urged.

No amount of money will cover the priceless value of the boy’s shattered innocence, but it’ll be a start!

See Lansing PD downplaying the wrongful arrest of a Black 12-year-old as an “unfortunate mistake” after the flip.