First Black President Of Tennessee’s University Of The South Has House Vandalized Multiple Times
This is Amerikkka.
The first African-American President of the University of the South in Tennessee has become a target for numerous attacks on his home since accepting the job according to The Hill.
Reuben Brigety II was appointed as the school’s Vice-Chancellor and President last year and has since had bottles, garbage, and other debris strewn across the yard at his house. He kept quiet about most of it until this past Sunday during a church service when he could no longer suffer in silence.
“They have trashed our lawn with beer cans and liquor bottles. They have left threatening messages on pilfered signs near our back door and they have taken measures to ensure that my family and I saw the indecent insults that they left behind,” Brigety said
A school spokesperson said that it wasn’t known exactly why Brigety was being targeted but we aren’t dumb enough to play coy about the obvious reason.
Sure, it could anything, but a Black man being terrorized in a southern town after breaking the “color barrier” of a school that, according to DataUSA, is 81.4% white, 5.62% Hispanic or Latino, 4.56% Black or African American, 3.09% two or more races, 1.24% Asian, 0.169% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islanders doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand.