F12: St. Louis Bar Owner Arrested After Reckless Cop Crashes Police Cruiser Into His Building

Blurred Police SUV

Source: Neal McNeil / Getty

If somehow you still need examples of how ain’t s**t the police are then this story is for you.

A St. Louis police officer crashed his patrol vehicle into the front of a local business called Bar:PM late Monday night. The officer behind the wheel told a nearby resident that he swerved to avoid hitting a dog in the road. However, the police report says that the driver “believed he was traveling too close to a parked car” and that’s what lead to the crash.

Is it “Oochie Wally”, or “One Mic”?

The owner of Bar:PM, Char Morris was locking up for the night when he heard the crash and rightfully cussed the officer smooth out for his recklessness. The SLMPD crime report stated that one of the officers attempted to calm things down before Morris allegedly pushed him. When all was said and done, Morris was charged with felony third-degree assault on a special victim.

Only in America can a pig crash a car into your business and YOU get arrested for it.

According to a Fox2Now report, prosecutors have released Morris on his own recognizance and reduced his charges to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault and resisting arrest. Which still sounds like some bulls**t considering the context and the extremely shady explanation on how the crash occurred.

Morris’ lawyer Javad Khazaeli insists that the story that the police are telling is far from the truth and that the officers essentially jumped his client after being blatantly in the wrong.

“The police were clearly the aggressors here,” Khazaeli said. “When he was arrested by police, they had beaten him and ripped his shirt off.”

Somehow, the officer was spared the protocol of a breathalyzer to determine whether or not he was intoxicated behind the wheel of the police cruiser…

These cops should be on their porky lil’ knees begging this bar owner for forgiveness but they’d rather act like thugs instead. This is exactly why NWA wrote that song…