#Debate2024: Donald Trump Told A Lot Of Lies That Were Fact-Checked, De-bunked, And Disproved In Real Time

Watchparty for presidential debate in Charlotte

Source: Anadolu / Getty

The 2024 Presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump was everything it was billed to be during the lead-up. Vice President Harris shook off some early nerves and settled into a self-assured and unyielding performance that even had the righties on Fox News singing her political praises.


While it’s fair to give VP Harris her propers for preparing to prevent poor performance, her pugnacious path to prevailing over the pernicious former president was due, in part, to his complete inability to stay disciplined and state legitimate fact. The post-debate fact-checking revealed several instances where The Orangeman and Truth were divorced with irreconcilable differences.

The biggest and most viral lie that The Orangeman told last night was about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio who have been accused by conservatives of kidnapping and eating the pets of residents. This has never happened and was fact-checked in real-time by ABC’s David Muir.

Another head-scratching lie that Trump told was about abortion and the bat s#!t crazy idea that Democrats and VP Harris support fetal termination in the ninth month and after birth. First and foremost, killing a child that has been born is murder, infanticide to be specific. It is illegal in every state in America. Regarding the timeline of when a vast majority of legal abortions happen, here is the fact via The Guardian:

Fewer than 1% of abortions are performed past 21 weeks of pregnancy; when these abortions do take place, they often occur in medical emergencies or cases of fetal anomalies.

Moreover, PolitiFact notes that the Governor of West Virginia never said he would sanction a ninth-month abortion. Here’s what he did say:

Former Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, a Democrat and a physician, never said he would sanction the execution of newborns. What he did say during a 2019 radio interview is that in rare, late-pregnancy cases in which fetuses are nonviable, doctors deliver the baby, keep it comfortable, resuscitate it if the family wishes, and then have a “discussion” with the mother.

We could spend thousands of words writing about the blatant lies and exaggerations that Donald Trump tried to use to win the debate against his more educated, more qualified, more dignified opponent in Vice President Harris but as Kendrick Lamar so eloquently scribed, “The audience not dumb, shape the stories how you want, hey Drake, they’re not slow”.


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