Cops Kill People: Jawan Dallas’ Heartbroken Family Finally Views Body Cam Video Of Mobile Police Fatal Taser Use Of Force

Police Stun Gun

Source: Douglas Rissing / Getty

Jawan “Ja” Dallas was killed by police in Mobile, Alabama and eyewitnesses say that it was nothing short of a murder. BOSSIP reported on the killing earlier this year in July and the family just now had the opportunity to see the video that local authorities were holding hostage. According to, the Mobile Police Department allowed the family to view two body camera videos that were 40 minutes a piece on Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. As you can imagine, the footage was demoralizing and traumatizing for a grieving family preparing to “celebrate” the holiday.

Phil Williams, the father of Jawan Dallas, added, “This is one of the worst days of my life. Mobile Police Department, you straight murdered my son. You were not there to serve and protect him, you were there to destroy. You killed him.”

The family was present at Mobile’s Government Plaza alongside lawyer Harry Daniels for a press conference following the viewing. Daniels says that the department would still not release the names of the officers involved.

Later that same day, following the press conference, Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson ran coverage for the officers saying that the video was “only one piece of all the evidence” and claimed that Dallas died from complications due to drug use combined with factors regarding his health.

According to Daniels, eyewitnesses say that the whole story is cap.

Dallas was reportedly heard telling officers, “I can’t breathe” and “I do not want to be the next George Floyd”. We will have more information about the impending civil lawsuit and any other updates about this case as it becomes available to the public.