Chicago Prosecutor Drops Sexual Abuse Charges Against R. Kelly

A Chicago prosecutor in the state’s case against R. Kelly announced that her office would be dropping the sex abuse charges against the disgraced R&B singer.
Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx made the announcement the day before a hearing relating to sex abuse charges Kelly was facing regarding four women, three of which were minors. Foxx said she would ask the judge to drop the charges on Tuesday, Jan 31.
In 2019, Foxx asked Kelly’s victims to come forward and admitted that the recent revelation “may be disappointing” to those who came forward against Kelly.
“Mr. Kelly is potentially looking at the possibility of never walking out of prison again for the crimes that he’s committed,” Foxx said, referring to his other federal convictions. “While today’s cases are no longer being pursued, we believe justice has been served.”
Kelly was indicted on four counts of sexual abuse in Cook County, IL in 2019, and is currently serving out his 30-year sentence in New York after being convicted of multiple charges including child pornography, enticement, racketeering, and sex trafficking.
As for why the charges were dropped, Foxx said that cost is the main reason.
“We didn’t do a monetary cost-benefit analysis,” Foxx said. She added that the money that they spent on the trial could have also been used for “advocacy for other survivors of sexual abuse.”
However, some of Kelly’s victims are not happy with the decision to drop the charges. Lanita Carter, who says that she was assaulted by Kelly in February of 2003, said that she was “extremely disappointed” by the news.
“I have spent nearly 20 years hoping that my abuser would be brought to justice for what he did to me. With today’s announcement, all hope of justice for my case is gone.” She added, “justice has been denied for me.”
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