Breonna Taylor Grand Jurors File Petition To Impeach Attorney General Daniel Cameron

The grand jurors in the Breonna Taylor case want action taken against Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron.

Daniel Cameron

Source: (Photo by Jon Cherry/Getty Images) 

After two grand jurors expressed “frustration” and “disgust” in Cameron ONLY giving them the option to consider “wanton endangerment” charges against Detective Brett Hankison, a petition has been filed to get Cameron out of office.

The Courier-Journal reports that three grand jurors filed a petition with the state House of Representatives on Friday, objecting to the Attorney General’s behavior and calling for his impeachment.

The jurors whose identities are being protected believe Cameron “breached public trust” and failed to comply with his duties by “misrepresenting the findings of the grand jury in the Taylor case.”

They allege that Cameron “deceived the American people and the citizens of this Commonwealth with regard to his office’s handling and involvement” in the Taylor investigation. He, it alleges, “misled the public” when he said the grand jury agreed that police were “justified” in returning fire and used them as a “shield to deflect accountability and responsibility.”

“Neither Cameron nor anyone from his office mentioned any homicide offense to the grand jury. Not only were no homicide offenses presented as alleged, no charges of any kind were presented to the Grand Jury other than the three wanton endangerment charges against Detective Hankinson,” the petition states, according to the Journal.

Ultimately the jurors want him removed from office and disqualified “from holding any office of honor, trust or profit” within Kentucky because he “lied to the Grand Jury by excluding information and charges available to them, then lied to the public about what he had told the Grand Jury.”

“The Grand Jurors did not choose this battle,” said Kevin Glogower, the jurors’ attorney, in a statement. “This battle chose them. These are randomly selected citizens who were compelled to sit on a grand jury and were terribly misused by the most powerful law enforcement official in Kentucky.”


Daniel Cameron’s office previously admitted that “the only charge recommended (to the grand jury) was wanton endangerment”, so that’s proof enough that some action should be taken.

If Daniel Cameron is indeed impeached he’ll be in good company. His homeboy Trump of course was impeached AGAIN, this time on the charge of incitement of insurrection.

Dingy Dorito’s impeachment trial is slated to begin the week of February 8.