Blackfishing For Trump: Messy MAGA Caught Posing As A Black Woman Trump Supporter On X, Gets Dragged To Clownfish Abyss


Trump at the RNC in Milwaukee.

Source: Robert Gauthier / Getty

In today’s episode of The MAGA Whites Need Black Friends Soooo Bad, a pathetically mediocre MAGA posed as a Black woman on X in a post promoting Donald Trump while tearing down the Vice president and presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Kamala Harris.

Meet Joey Mannarino—at least we think that’s what he goes by on X when he’s not doing a racist impression of generic Black people while posing as a Black Trump voter with a photo of some random Black woman.

“I’m a TRUE Black American and I’ve been Black all my life. I was born Black and I will die Black. My mommy Black. My daddy Black,” Mannarino tweeted. “I will NEVER cast a ballot for that Kamala Harris woman as long as I live! Trump all the way, all day every day!”

First of all, I can’t be the only one who thought he was about to quote The Spook Who Sat by the Door with all of that “I was born Black and I will die Black” white nonsense. Secondly, you can almost always identify white people posing as Black people on social media by their overuse of stereotypical, sambo-esque diction. The second Mayonarinosorry, Mannarinotyped, “My mommy Black. My daddy Black,” he had overplayed his caucasified hand and outed himself as a white person who clearly doesn’t know many actual Black people in real life.

Anyway, after the George Santos of random white trolls was caught white-handed posing as a Black woman, he offered an absurd whitesplanation for how the mix-up happened as well as a confusing claim that Black women who are actually Black women are also not Black women.

“A tweet posted earlier from my account was the result of my account being logged in on a friend’s device,” Mannarino wrote. “Clearly, I am not a Black woman. Unlike the Democrat nominee for President, I don’t spend my time pretending to be a Black woman to garner votes under false pretense. The lesson here is always log yourself out when borrowing or using friend’s devices, because even months later you’ll stay logged in if you haven’t changed passwords. On to the next scandal.”

He also tweeted, “I am not a Black woman. Neither is Kamala Harris. And neither is Michelle Obama.”

Hmmm. Interesting.


MAGAnarinosorry, I mean…well, y’all know what his name issays he doesn’t “spend my time pretending to be a Black woman to garner votes under false pretense,” but he does apparently spend his time pretending to be a Black woman to garner fake “Black friend” credentials Trump “under false pretense” before justifying it with a lame explanation that makes no sense. (Like, bro, you think you’re the first racist to claim an imaginary “friend” posted from your account, marking you as a shameless race-faking racist? Why would you even continue to call that person your “friend” if they did you like that? Just say you were hacked, bro. I mean, no one would have believed that either, but you might have looked less stupid while transparently trying to be slick.)

And what’s with Mannarino’s weird claim that Harris and Obama aren’t Black women? Sure, Harris is also of Southeast Asian ethnicity, but I’m pretty sure Obama is 100% Black, based on the fact that she’s 100% Black and based on how obsessed angry white conservatives still are with her a full eight years after her husband was in the White House.

Mannarino, of course, isn’t the only white person to fake Black support for Trump. Earlier this year, a GOP pollster went viral after posting AI images that purported to show Black canvassers in MAGA hats engaging with potential Black voters. That pollster was also not the only white Trump supporter who posted fake images of Black Trump supporters in order to make it look like their MAGA messiah gets regular cookout invites.

If it were true that Black Trump support was growing at the rate Trump, the GOP, and the rest of the MAGA mob keep claiming it is, they wouldn’t need to fake the funk like this. It’s just really pathetic, desperate, and white—so very white.

Trump at the RNC in Milwaukee.

Source: Robert Gauthier / Getty