Britney Spears Calls Out Her ‘So-Called Support System’ In IG Rant Against Critics Of Her Living Room Dancing Videos

Britney Spears Calls Out Her 'So-Called Support System' In IG Rant Against Critics Of Her Living Room Dancing Videos

Britney Spears is finally opening up about the decade-long conservatorship that she says kept her imprisoned to her father.

The singer took to Instagram to drag people who are now speaking up for her just to “save face for yourself publicly.”

She posted a meme that read, “Never forget who ignored you when you needed them and who helped you before you even had to ask.”

Britney wrote, “Please stop with the righteous approach when you’re so far from righteous it’s not even funny.”

Many fans believe this was a shot at her mother and sister who both posted supportive messages after Britney’s court hearing, although her fans have been speculating that she was in need for a while.

Spears doubled down on her “so-called support system” in another post. “For those of you who choose to criticize my dancing videos … look I’m not gonna be performing on any stages anytime soon with my dad handling what I wear, say, do, or think !!!! I’ve done that for the past 13 years,” she wrote.

She said, “I’d much rather share videos YES from my living room instead of onstage in Vegas where some people were so far gone they couldn’t even shake my hand and I ended up getting a contact high from weed all the time … which I didn’t mind but it would have been nice to be able to go to the mother f—ing spa !!!!”

“And no I’m not gonna put on heavy makeup and try try try on stage again and not be able to do the real deal with remixes of my songs for years and begging to put my new music in my show for MY fans … so I quit !!!!” Spears continued, adding a sharp note about her sister, Jamie Lynn Spears: “I don’t like that my sister showed up at an awards show and performed MY SONGS to remixes !!!!!”

“My so-called support system hurt me deeply !!!!” wrote Spears. “This conservatorship killed my dreams … so all I have is hope and hope is the only thing in this world that is very hard to kill … yet people still try !!!!”

The post Britney Spears Calls Out Her ‘So-Called Support System’ In IG Rant Against Critics Of Her Living Room Dancing Videos appeared first on The Source.