Donald Trump’s Nephew Alleges Ableist Apricot Suggested Some Disabled People Should ‘Just Die’, Freely Used N-Word

I really hope everyone is sitting down for this because I would hate for any of our readers to injure themselves from falling over in shock and awe. You know what? I’ll just give y’all a second to prepare for this stupefying news. Y’all ready? OK.

There’s even more evidence that Donald Trump is racist. Likefor real, for real racist.

Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump Holds A Campaign Rally In Charlotte, North Carolina

Source: Brandon Bell / Getty

Seriously though, the few non-MAGA people who might be surprised to hear about Trump’s anti-Black and anti-POC bigotry because they haven’t paid attention to his history, policies or the words that have come out of his own mouth might be shocked to learn that Trump’s own nephew, Fred C Trump III, recalled in his upcoming book,  All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way, that his uncle freely used the n-word after his car sustained damage he assumed, for whatever reason, was caused by Black people.

“‘N***rs,’ I recall him saying disgustedly. ‘Look what the n****rs did,’” Fred wrote of his recollection of Trump’s racist outburst, according to The Guardian.

Trump III said the incident happened during the 1970s, which would put it right around the same time period when the Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Trump over anti-Black housing discrimination. (But I’m sure that’s just a coincidence, right?)

From the Guardian:

It was “just a normal afternoon for pre-teen me”, Trump III writes, but then his uncle arrived.

“Donald was pissed,” Trump III writes. “Boy, was he pissed.”

Trump says his uncle showed him his “cotillon white Cadillac Eldorado convertible”. In its retractable canvas top, “there was a giant gash, at least two feet long [and] another, shorter gash next to it”.

“‘N****rs,’ I recall him saying disgustedly. ‘Look at what the n****rs did.’

“‘I knew that was a bad word.’”

His uncle, Trump III writes, had not seen whoever damaged his car. Instead, he “saw the damage, then went straight to the place where people’s minds sometimes go when they face a fresh affront. Across the racial divide.”

So, yeah—this is about as surprising as it was when ex-supermodel and ex-girlfriend to the ex-president, Kara Young, who is biracial, told Inside Edition that, while she and Trump were dating in the ’90s, Trump said to her, “You got your looks from your mother and your intelligence from your dad, the white side.”

Trump III’s claims of his uncle’s racism are also no more surprising than when former producer of The Apprentice Bill Pruitt claimed Trump regularly used the n-word and exhibited other forms of racism while on set. It’s also no more surprising than when Omarosa claimed repeatedly with receipts that Trump used racial slurs during his time as president. (Although to be fair, the Apprentice alum only started saying that after she spent virtually her entire time as a member of Trump’s administration trying to convince Black people that Trump isn’t racist.)

Anyway, Trump’s spokesperson, Steven Cheung, responded to Trump III’s allegations by saying  in a statement to the New York Times that the claims were “completely fabricated, and total fake news of the highest order”, adding that “anyone who knows President Trump knows he would never use such language, and false stories like this have been thoroughly debunked.” (Don’t laugh, I’m pretty sure Cheung was serious.)

Closing Arguments Begin In Former President Donald Trump's Hush Money Trial

Source: Michael M. Santiago / Getty

First of all, Cheung’s use of ” total fake news of the highest order” makes the whole statement sound like Trump personally wrote it. Like, if you’re a puppet who has Trump’s baby hands jammed up your hind parts, just say that. Secondly, Trump III and the others who have recounted personal experiences with Trump’s racism ARE PEOPLE WHO KNOW TRUMP, and even if they weren’t, non-delusional people who have heard Trump speak on anything would all laugh at the notion that the guy who once  said, “Laziness is a trait in Blacks,” would “never use such language.” As for the stories Cheung claims “have been thoroughly debunked,” it’s unclear what thorough debunking he’s referring to. Maybe he’s confusing the stories of Trump’s racism with Trump’s stories about the 2020 election being rigged.

Trump III also claimed in his book that Trump’s bigotry didn’t stop at racism, the ex-president is also allegedly ableist AF.


Source: CHRISTIAN MONTERROSA/AFP via Getty Images / Getty

More from the Guardian:

Donald Trump told his nephew he should let his disabled son die, then “move down to Florida”, the nephew writes in a new book, calling the comment “appalling”.

“Wait!” Fred C Trump III writes. “What did he just say? That my son doesn’t recognise me? That I should just let him die?

“Did he really just say that?”

It came days after family members at the Republican national convention portrayed Trump as a “very caring and loving” grandfather and family man.

But Trump family history is complicated.

Fred C Trump III is the son of Fred Trump Jr, Donald Trump’s older brother who died aged 43 in 1981. A successful New York real estate executive in his own right, Fred Trump III is with his wife Lisa a campaigner for rights for disabled people like their son, William.

In 2020, Fred Trump III’s sister, Mary Trump, published her own tell-all memoir, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. Fred Trump III distanced himself from that book but it included the story of how Donald Trump and his siblings effectively disinherited Fred Trump III and Mary Trump, then cut off funding for William’s care.

Trump III said the ex-president was the only member of his family that still “contributing consistently” to William’s care, which would make Trump almost sound like the half-decent human being we know he isn’t—if not for a conversation his nephew said he had with him regarding his son’s many needs as a disabled child.

“Donald took a second as if he was thinking about the whole situation,” Trump III wrote in his book. “‘I don’t know,’ he finally said, letting out a sigh. ‘He doesn’t recognise you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.’”

Now, there’s the compassionate Donald Trump we all recognize.