BCSD board to discuss possibly delaying J K Gourdin Elementary School merger

PINEVILLE, S.C. (WCBD) – J K Gourdin Elementary School was set to merge with St. Stephen Elementary next school year. But a new proposal will be discussed on Monday night to possibly change that plan.

Barbara Johnson lives across the street from J K Gourdin and said it is tough to hear the school will be closing.

“I went to school in the first grade to fifth grade, I went to JK. All of my friends we to JK, and it’s just a great school,” she said.

Johnson went on to say, “I don’t want to school to close because it’s such a great school. They made the decision, so I just hope they change it. But if not, we’ll have to go along with the program.”

Berkeley County School Board members voted last month to close J K Gourdin and transfer all students to St. Stephen Elementary effective immediately.

School board member Yvonne Bradley has placed a proposal on the agenda for Monday night’s meeting. “I asked the board chair to put on the agenda the discussion to have that vote rescinded so that the merger would not take place in the 24-25 school year,” she said.

The agenda item does not specify a timeline, but Bradley says she would like the closing to be delayed for one year.

“If they do it the 25-26 school year, it would give everyone an opportunity to say, look they took our considerations, they listened to us, they heard us, they’re going to look out for what’s best for not only the children but for the community as well,” said Bradley.

“That would be good. You know, I hope that they could consider that to delay it for one year and that would prepare the kids for next year. But if not, I’m pretty sure that sometimes we have to just go with whatever decisions are and I know it’s about the kids getting a good education,” said Johnson.

News 2 will continue to follow this story. Count us for updates.