BOSSIP Horoscopes: Week Of December 24

The new week is here and we’re back with a brand new set of horoscopes to help you plan for the week ahead by checking what the stars have in store!

Bossip Horoscopes Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert

Here’s another week of astrological forecasts, courtesy of our favorite — Psychic Zya.

Astro Overview:

This week, right on the heels of Christmas, we have a Full Moon in Cancer on the 26th which will make everyone quite emotional. So try not to get into family arguments unless you need to really air out some ish.
Also up your self care and rest deeply – the parties and people can wait until you feel refreshed.
For those who are single- this is a great moon to meet someone new!

On the 29th Venus enters Saggitarius which also helps the romance vibes. This transit makes us more bold, daring and flirty and possibly more prone to cheating.
So move with caution and be mindful of your prior commitments. This is also a great transit for being social just be sure to not overspend.

Lets see what the stars have in store for you:)

Did you know that you can book a psychic reading with ZYA at ASKZYA.COM?

Bossip Horoscopes Source: iOne Digital / Tommy de Yampert


Brace yourselves Cappy! This Cancerian Full Moon will hit you right in the feels. And I mean deeply. Many of you are either at the beginning or the tail end of your Dark Night of The Soul that has led (or will lead to) a lot of rapid and powerful transformation. But for your group – getting deep into your feelings isn’t really your strong suit. Be sure to call in help as needed as well as taking salt water baths and meditating with Quartz crystals will help you get through.
RED FLAG: Watch all transactions during this time of rapid spending- I see some online fraud coming your way.
SWEET SPOT: To keep your emotions even add in some aromatherapy like peppermint and eucalyptus via essential oil diffuser or even have the euclaptypus plant in your shower.

Keep reading for more BOSSIP horoscopes!