‘Ambushed’ & Ousted Miss Quad Says She ‘Understands’ How Mariah Huq Felt When She Was Booted By The Ladies Of #MarriedToMedicine


Source: Phylicia J. L. Munn / Bravo

Miss Quad is telling her truth amid recent episodes of Married To Medicine where she was seemingly iced out of the group that’s been accused of “mean girl” behavior. “I see now,” said the reality star while reflecting on how her former friend was treated.

On Sunday, super producer Carlos King dropped a surprise interview with the Bravo star where they discussed her cast mates and a contentious trip to Napa Valley.

Quad Was Kicked Off A Married To Medicine Trip To Napa Valley

On the most recent episodes of #M2M, the ladies were seen confronting Quad over past statements she made about the group while questioning her commitment to the friendship circle.

The ladies also alleged that Quad often goes M.I.A. and refuses to take accountability for her actions, something she countered that she tried to do with a failed “resurrection” co-orchestrated by Married To Medicine newbie Phaedra Parks.

During the fiasco at a funeral home, Quad made a dramatic entrance by rising out of a casket and agreeing to let bygones be bygones within the group, only for her efforts to fall apart amid a back-and-forth with co-star Toya Bush-Harris.

Now in front of not just Toya, but her “sister” Dr. Heavenly Kimes, Dr. Jackie Walters, Dr. Simone Whitmore, (her husband’s new wife) Lateasha “Sweet Tea” Lunceford, Dr. Alicia, and Phaedra Parks, Quad admitted that her connection the group was strained.


“There was not a safe space for me,” said Quad explaining why she retreated from the ladies and was “emotionally restrained.”

“Well then what I have to ask is, ‘What has changed?’” asked Dr. Simone. “Why continue hanging around that group?”

“I want to change that,” said Quad. “I want to just be good to y’all and y’all be good to me. Right now at this moment I don’t have an emotion connection” she added.

Things then spiraled from there as Dr. Heavenly Kimes entered the chat.

Dr. Heavenly Kimes Outed Phaedra Parks For Quad Comments, Accused Quad Of Being A “User” Before She Was Booted From The Trip

During the tense convo, Heavenly outed Phaedra, who was seemingly Quad’s good girlfriend, for saying that she was “definitely not” going to bring Quad on the trip to Napa.


Source: Phylicia J. L. Munn / Bravo

She also said that the attorney shadily changed her flight so she wouldn’t have to travel with her, which Phaedra admitted to.

“I was not gonna keep inviting you to stuff if you were gonna bring that energy here,” said the #RHOA alum matter of factly.


Source: Phylicia J. L. Munn / Bravo

Heavenly then accused Quad of being a “user.”

“You use people Quad,” said the dentist. “You didn’t call me at all until she said she wasn’t gonna bring you on the trip. I need you to own that you said these things—my point is you a user,” she added.


Elsewhere in the convo she was told that she was coming off as “disingenuous” and “opportunistic” amid hints that she disappeared from the group until cameras started rolling.

“How do we trust the words that coming out of your moth when they’re not backed by their actions?” asked Toya. “You can’t talk about my husband and then you turned around and said we would rob the neighborhood. My family and me were going through torture, ” she added.

“Well, have been in the same boat, this has been not a cake walk for me,” replied Quad.

“Quad, you playing the victim,” countered Heavenly. “You not owning s***.”

Ultimately the ladies came to a unanimous decision that Quad was no longer welcome on the trip.

“We have decided that none of us have an emotional connection with you,” said Dr. Simone to Quad. “It’s just not gonna work. We’re gonna ask you to leave this trip.”

“Well, wasn’t expecting that, I really hate that this is where we are,” responded the reality star looking crestfallen.” I was hoping I would get the opportunity to show you all idfferently, it hurst me that we are what we are.”


Now Quad’s opening up about her true feelings about the messy moment and even reflecting on a similar situation that happened on the show with her ex-friend, Mariah Huq.

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Source: Prince Williams / Getty

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