Future of the Isle of Palms connector is in question

ISLE OF PALMS, S.C. (WCBD)- Some say the lanes need to be reconfigured, others saying its fine just how it is.

Two years ago Isle of Palms council members say the South Carolina Department of Transportation changed the traffic pattern on the connector, without their permission.

“By statute that’s against the law, but they don’t seem to care,” IOP city councilmember Blair Hahn said.

The change created tension between IOP city council members and SCDOT, leaders on the island collectively filing a lawsuit against SCDOT and asking the department to present alternative options.

Hahn said, “They have since come back and done a study, giving different options.”

After a vote, IOP decided on option 5, which would have two lanes from Mount Pleasant heading into the island and one lane off the island, with the goal of making travel safer and more efficient for drivers, pedestrians, and emergency vehicles.

However, before the project can start, SCDOT has to get approval from the town on the other side of the bridge, Mount Pleasant, and that is proving difficult.

“We think that the current stripping works. It works in emergencies as proven sadly in the shooting incident last spring,” Mayor of Mount Pleasant, Will Haynie said.

Mayor Haynie’s position is backed up by data provided by the Isle of Palms Police Department.

Wrecks have decreased on the connector, since the reconfiguration, down to just 4 so far this year.

“Most of those collisions, a large majority of them, are related to traffic. They’re your typical things where you’re sit and go traffic where you bump into the rear of someone else,” IOP Police Chief, Kevin Cornett said.

Mayor Haynie says he believes the reconfiguration that IOP voted yes to is pointless,

“We’re not trying to pick a fight with isle of palms. We’re great neighbors. We just think this is a solution looking for a problem and we don’t see the problem,” Haynie said.