An inside look into Charleston Fire Department’s training

Charleston, S.C. (WBCD) – The Charleston Fire Department is sending recruits through their firefighter training process.

News 2’s Walker Simmons went to watch the recruit training firsthand at a fire simulation.

Right now, 38 recruits are going through training, but when this process first started fire officials tell News 2 there were roughly 600 applicants. At their training facility recruits went through different scenarios to prepare them for a real fire.

The fire department calls it a live burn; a controlled fire set by current firefighters. Then it’s up to the recruits to handle the flames and practice a series of exercises. From putting on gear and using fire hoses to climbing up ladders into windows and rescuing a dummy.

Recruits learn everything from how to access and handle an active fire to EMT training and how to drive emergency vehicles.

During the fire scenario training I spoke to the Battalion Chief for the Charleston Fire Department, Alford Bruwington, he told News 2 that the recruits will go through multiple live burn scenarios throughout their training.

“What we’ve started today is getting them more reps during a live burn scenario. Our drill tower here has a burn room in it, we’ll light a small fire, kind of smoke up the area, and give a little bit of heat for them to understand what our job consists of,” said Bruwington.

When those 38 make it to December they’ll graduate from their training and soon start their role as an active firefighter in Charleston.