That’s It? Florida Man Only Sentenced 1 Year And 1 Day For Vehicular Hate Crime Attack On 6 Black Rosewood Men

Truck on country road in summer

Source: WesRaymondPhotography / Getty

Florida man strikes again…and basically gets away with it!

Black historian Marvin Dunn, his son, and four other Black men were subject to a hate crime on the very grounds where our ancestors were slain by white hands during the Rosewood Massacre on January 1, 1923. According to MSN, on September 2022, Dunn and the five others were surveying his property with thoughts of erecting a memorial for the men, women, and children who were killed after a white woman named Fannie Taylor accused a Black man named Jesse Hunter of assaulting her. Little did they know that moments into their excursion, they would be accosted by a 61-year-old violent caucasian named David Allen Emanuel with similar bloodlust. Emanuel pulled up on Dunn and his group calling them, “f***ing n*****s” and demanding that they leave. When the men told Emanuel where he could go and how to get there, he spun the block and charged at them going full speed in his pick-up truck nearly striking Dunn’s son.

A jury convicted Emanuel on six counts of hate crimes and a rational person might reasonably assume that such a conviction would come with a lengthy prison sentence. However, this is Florida.

Judge Allen Winsor, a federal magistrate, sentenced Emanuel to a paltry 12 months and 1 day.

“I do see he’s provided a lot of value to the community,” Winsor said. “I don’t think he’s going to do something like this again … but there’s a need for general deterrence, and it’s clear he did it because of race.”

Only in f**k a** Florida can killing “f***ing n*****s” be considered a community service.

For his part, Dunn wrote a letter taking the road that is typically divisive in the Black community when our people are attacked, maimed, or killed…the high road.

“For me, my faith requires forgiveness, and so I must,” the letter read. “[Race] is the thorn in our collective side, the unmovable rock in our common path. For America to become whole, the thorns and rocks must be removed. The victims in this case are hopeful that in our plea for mercy for Mr. Emanuel and his family, we are taking an important step toward the goal of removing these obstacles to healing.”

Dunn would go on to say that he is “relieved this is all over with, and I think that it’s fair.”

What say you? Do you find this sentence “fair”?