Hate Crimes: 14-Year-Old White Boy Indicted For Attempted Drowning Murder Of Black Child, Called Him N-Word And ‘George Floyd’

Fluffy clouds and blue sky over the Occupy Chatham public shack on Chatham South Beach

Source: LagunaticPhoto / Getty

Let a certain group of white folks tell it racism is a rare and almost extinct practice in AmeriKKKa

According to a harrowing report via NBC Boston, nothing could be further from the truth. A 14-year-old white boy in the town of Chatham, Massachusetts has been indicted on charges of attempted murder and assault with a dangerous weapon in what many are calling an obvious hate crime against a Black child. Prosecutors working the case say that the unidentified white boy, another white boy, and the Black victim all met at Goose Pond on the same day. The indicted white boy is said to have threatened the Black child with a stone and called him the n-word.

B-b-b-but wait, it gets worse.

The Black child put on a life vest and told these devils that he couldn’t swim. So, what did the devils do? As soon as the three boys got into the water, the indicted devil “allegedly” unleashed violence against the Black child. Hear the words straight from the prosecutor’s court filing.

“Once in the water the juvenile defendant proceeded to pull on the victim’s life jacket and submerged him underwater 4 to 5 times, causing the victim breathing distress,” the DA’s office wrote in a press release. “The third juvenile laughed at the victim during the attempted drowning and referred to the victim as ‘George Floyd.’”

Oh, but the racist terrorism wasn’t over yet…

Prosecutors said the defendant then swam under the victim, trying to grab his feet to pull him back underwater. When the victim yelled to someone on the beach for help, a bystander went into the water and helped him to the shore.

We don’t care how old this lil’ bastard is. Try his a** as an adult and give him an adult punishment. George Floyd…the caucasity audacity.