Stay Woke: Black Florida Churches Vow To Teach Real Black History After Ron DeSantis “Watered Down” Education
No WASP politician formed against us shall prosper.
According to USAToday, Black churches in Florida are stepping up to fill the void that Governor Ron DeSantis purposely dug in the state’s education system. In his zeal to appeal to Florida’s anti-“woke” Trump-suckin’ voters, DeSantis has essentially ruled illegal to teach the real history of Black people in America. Critical Race Theory, slavery, white violence, and anything remotely related to the truth about this country has been stripped from the public school curriculum.
Here’s where the saying, “We all we got” comes into play.
Faith in Florida, a coalition of churches advocating for social justice causes, created the online toolkit, which includes books, documentaries and videos related to Black history. The project, launched in July, aims to push back against state efforts to regulate Black history lessons.
Pastor Kenneth Johnson of Friendship Missionary in Fort Pierce had 30 people log on to an online class about the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. He says the amount of attendees confirmed his thought that people are legitimately interested in the information.
”It wasn’t a sermon. It would have passed any muster as a legitimate class,” said Johnson. “We don’t need government approval to teach our history.”
No small white man with a big ego can tell our people what to teach, where to teach, or what to learn. F**k him and anybody else who thinks otherwise.