F12: Kenosha Cops Accost And Wrongfully Arrest Black Couple Holding Infant At Applebees

Applebees food menu in Buckley, wshington usa

Source: Francis Dean / Getty

Kenosha, Wisconsin already had a bad rap after the unjust police shooting of Jacob Blake and the case of protester-killer Kyle Rittenhouse and this latest case of police violence does nothing to change the perception of the city.

A viral video of a Black man being accosted by Kenosha police while holding his infant child is making it’s way around news stations and social media and if you haven’t seen it, prepare to be mad as hell.

24-year-old Jermelle English Jr and his 21-year-old wife Shanya Boyd were arrested back on July 20 at a local Applebee’s. According to Law And Crime, someone on Applebee’s staff called 911 when a couple walked in “matching the description” of hit-and-run suspects said to be “Black male and female — wearing a red shirt, a scarf, and a bun on her head”. Despite the fact that the woman was wearing a white shirt, not a red one, and the fact that the man was holding an INFANT, overaggressive police officers jumped on him and wrestled putting the baby in harm’s way. Employee’s recorded the incident with their cell phones and the footage has just been made public…

Here’s some insult to add to that injustice, despite the fact that neither English nor his wife were the people police though them to be, they still charged the couple with misdemeanor resisting, disorderly conduct, and charged the wife with possession of THREE punk a** grams of marijuana.

NWA  was always right.

The Applebee’s manager Jennifer Harris was fired as a result of the videos getting out into the public. Here’s what she was told:

They told me they can’t trust me and that I didn’t just ruin this Applebee’s name, I ruined all the Applebee’s in Wisconsin’s name by letting these videos get out,” Harris said. “I’m not the one who recorded the videos nor let them out on the internet, so I don’t understand. My employees are trying to get the right story out, so how did we ruin the name of Applebee’s?”

Translation: “Y’all ‘bout to have Black Lives Matter protesting and tearing up our store if you let it be known that police are in here wrongfully attacking Black people! How dare you assist these people who were violently violated by cops!”

Throw the whole town in the garbage.