Pop, Lock, & Stop It! Michigan Middle School Blast After 6th Graders Seen Pole Dancing During Field Trip

Shoes with high heels stands near the pylon in the dance studio. Shoes for striptease, pole dancing, exotic

Source: Ivan Tucha / Getty

Going on a field trip was one of the best days of the year when we were kids. A reprieve from the soul-sucking boredom of the classroom and a chance to be out and about in the world. It didn’t even feel like school anymore, it was fun. However, there is such a thing as taking the fun too far…

According to DailyMail, the fun did indeed go too far when a band teacher from Hart Middle School in Michigan took a class of sixth graders to see the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. During the educational excursion, the kids were taken to Niki’s Pizza for lunch. Niki’s Pizza was attached to Niki’s Lounge, a strip club. Can you tell where this is going?

The s**t hit the fan when a photo of the children spinning on the stripper poles and dancing was passed around social media. A member of the school board said that the restaurant was too crowded and the empty strip club was used for “overflow”. So, there were no naked women in the building at the time, but a school board trustee’s social media post sparked a huge backlash. The school district’s stance on the incident is simply that concerned parents should speak to administrators if they feel some type of way.

The trustee Andrew Weaver wrote a lengthy social media post accusing the school board of not being transparent about what happened that day. In response, some believe Weaver is just grandstanding because many parents knew about this already and were handling it privately.

“Many community members feel that there is too much time and energy spent trying to stop people from knowing about the actions that reflect poorly on the District while not enough time or energy is spent on actually doing anything about the issue(s) at hand.”

If you were the parent of one of these kids, what would your reaction to this p-poppin’ field trip be?